Friday, June 19, 2009

Tempus Don't Fugit When You're Standing Around...

At the risk of sounding like the old man yelling at kids to GET OFF HIS LAWN, I feel that this needs to be addressed.

Please, please be considerate of other people's time when we're raiding.

We spent so much time last night standing around. I understand computer issues and connection problems. As a matter of fact, I had some major issues with my cable internet connection a few months ago and had DC problems. They were intermittent, so I did DC in a couple of instances. But when I saw that it was a problem, I just excused myself because to not do that would not have been fair to the other party members.

And I understand that not everyone can have the best computer in the world. But having a mouse so you can be effective (yes you, Nagu :P) or syncing your bio breaks with load screen delays can make a big difference in reducing other player's frustration and our ability to advance further into Ulduar and continue to gear-up.

I know I'm not an officer anymore, and if I'm out of line just say so. Really. No offense. Just as I mean no offense to anyone with this post. I'm just asking that we be as considerate of everyone's game play experience as we can.

1 comment:

  1. I had to turn myself on mute for the majority of "potty breaks" and D/C's.

    A couple of "woo-saa's" later (along with a couple of shots of jack) and I was right as rain.

    Oh, and next time, don't be afraid to yell, get the fuck off my lawn =)
