Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Guild Billed as Thrilled to Build Remains Unfulfilled

This is what should be happening:
  • Scheduled "Guildie Help Days", where guildies help other guildies level, gear, and achieve.
  • Creation of two core groups of senior players to run Naxx 10s to gear guildies and understand how to raid.
  • Creation of two core groups to run Uld 10s to get more players experience with downing those bosses.
  • Scheduled Naxx 10s (two groups) every week.
  • Scheduled Uld 10s (two groups) every week.

Once there are enough geared players to run the 25s, those should get scheduled. Until then, the 25s and other 10s can be a chance for guildies to raid at other times.

What should not be happening:
  • Declining invites for a scheduled raid, and then raiding at that time anyway.
  • Playing favorites.
  • Lack of consistency of personal raiding time limitations and actions.
  • Including guildies in raids they are not geared for, including alts.
  • Ignoring and/or dismissing those that have helped get the guild to where they are in raid progression.

None of those behaviors align with the principles established for most guilds, and certainly not those espoused as the foundation for Honor and Glory.

This isn't a discussion. This isn't up for debate. We all know this is the right way. If you don't want to face that, /gkick me. Otherwise, let's get this figured out. If the real answer is that this is a completely casual raiding guild, then that needs to be established and communicated to the guild... and we need to stop talking about guild progression.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Buff-y, the Paladin Slayer

All pallies know the frustration of being peppered by chat requests for buffs. They're incessant, often rude, and -- in many cases -- clueless as to how our buffs work and who should get what.

Well -- it's time to pull our collective helmets out of our buttmail, fellow Buffadins.

Because, to a very large extent, we're to blame by being so utterly uncoordinated and/or unaware. C'mon, Pallies! Let's get our sh!t together. We are turning something incredibly advantageous to raid success -- fours, kick-a$$ buffs -- into an object of embarrassment and ridicule. While I agree that we should ignore requests for buffs until the appropriate time (i.e., when all the raiders are present), once it's time, let's follow these easy guidelines to successful raid buffing and shake off the nasty Stank of Incompetence!

Pay attention. Watch for chatter from other pallies on buffing. Be aware that -- as a pally -- you are almost always going to need to provide buffs.
Get organized. Announce to the raid what buffs you're giving, or even take charge and assign buffs to each pally.
Be flexible. Differences in specs can mean that some pallies have better capability in one buff versus another -- or not have a buff at all.
Be Consistent. Once you have a buff assignment, STICK WITH IT. The only changes should happen if pallies switch specs or leave the raid.

Here are some general rules about class-buff pairings (in order of importance):

  • Holy = Wisdom, Kings, Sanctuary
  • Prot = Sanctuary, Kings, Might, Wisdom
  • Ret = Might, Kings, Sanctuary, Wisdom
  • Resto = Kings, Sanctuary, Wisdom
  • Balance = Kings, Sanctuary, Wisdom
  • Feral (DPS) = Kings, Might, Sanctuary, Wisdom
  • Feral (Prot) = Sanctuary, Kings, Might, Wisdom
  • DPS = Might, Kings, Sanctuary
  • Prot = Sanctuary, Kings, Might
  • Caster = Wisdom, Kings, Sanctuary
  • Caster = Kings, Wisdom, Sanctuary
  • Caster = Wisdom, Kings, Sanctuary
  • DPS = Might, Kings, Wisdom, Sanctuary
  • DPS = Might, Kings, Sanctuary
  • Melee = Might, Kings, Sanctuary, Wisdom
  • Caster = Wisdom, Kings, Sanctuary
Death Knight
  • DPS = Might, Kings, Sanctuary
  • Tank = Sanctuary, Kings, Might

Disagree? Good. Help me make this better. But the point remains...

Pallies, stop being such effin BUFFoons!

[Edit: For additional, extremely well-expressed perspective on this topic, checkout Firesong's view. ~Hazl]