Then a couple of my playing buddies quit WoW and another couple of friends suggested I roll Horde and come play with them on Blood Furnace. One was Fry from Malediciton, if you ever ran into him. And that toon is Hazl.
But I always loved the hunter. When WoW enabled faction changes, I jumped at the chance to transfer Kantuit over -- and he became Aldoraine. [Fun fact: Capt. Aldo Raine leads a group of Jewish-American soldiers on a Nazi killing spree in the movie, "Inglourious Basterds".] <-- See that effin movie!!!!
So... right now Aldo is at 73 and leveling fast when I have time for him. I'm leveling with a Marksman spec, but I will change over to Survival when he hits 80. Should be fun. By the way, Aldo's pets are Claude the bear, SneakySnake the wind serpent, Horneeforyu the ravager, and Chewonu the tiger. Should work out when I get him leveled: Hazl should be able to tank as well as heal at that point, and the hunter will be my dps outlet.
So... if you see Aldo around, give him a wave. Just don't make any sudden movments near Chewonu.....
what happened to that gnome you tamed called "stinky nuts?" is bloodfurnace elites still looking for him? lol